Grooper 2023.1 Installers

Welcome to the Grooper 2023.1 Beta Program! For a look at what’s new in Grooper 2023.1, visit the Grooper Wiki.

Please note! In Grooper 2023.1, you can directly upgrade repositories from 2.72 and later to 2023.1. 

**** IMPORTANT – Grooper 2023.1 is currently in betaand is considered prerelease software.  Beta software may have some instability or other issues.  Use at your own risk!  Issues identified during release testing but determined not to block the build’s release are documented in the “Known Issues” section of the Release Notes attached to this post.  To report other issues, please contact [email protected].

**** IMPORTANT – Make sure you perform a complete backup of your Grooper filestores and databases before upgrading to 2023.1.
**** IMPORTANT – The devs strongly recommend that you perform validation on your repository before upgrading, as improperly configured nodes can cause unexpected issues during upgrade.

Current version: 23.1.0009
Grooper Beta date: 10/23/2023
Current version release date: 12/20/2023

23.1.0009 Installer – x64 (64-bit)

23.1.0009 Installer – x86 (32-bit)

Grooper Web Client 23.1.0009 InstallerGrooper Desktop 23.1.0009 Installer (only required for remote scanning)

If the Grooper 2023.1 Beta installation or repository initialization fails, or if you would like to 
obtain a beta license, please email [email protected].
