OnBase Connector – Object Library (2023)

The resources found in this post allow Grooper to connect to the OnBase content services platform.  This is a custom integration developed by our Professional Services team.

  • Please note: This connector is offered as-is.  Support may be able to assist with installation, but they may not be able to provide resolution for all issues that may be encountered.

You will need to download the following resources to connect Grooper to OnBase:

  1. OnBase DLLs (all versions)
    • Unzip this file.  Copy the DLL files in the folder labeled “OnBaseDDLs” into the Grooper Installation Directory (“Program Files\BIS\Grooper”).  Ensure that components are not blocked (i.e. Mark-of-the-Web /MOB).
  2. One of the following Grooper ZIP files.  These ZIPs contain a Grooper Object Library for an OnBase CMIS Connector. Download the one that matches your Grooper install’s version.

The Grooper ZIP will need to be imported into your Grooper Repository.  Then, the Object Library will need to be compiled.  Instructions for importing and compiling an Object Library can be found at https://wiki.grooper.com/index.php?title=Object_Library#How_To:_Import_and_compile_an_Object_Library.


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